Saturday, September 19, 2015

4 Things to do to Find Happiness Through the Rough Toddler/Infant Years

This is the hard part, right? It's only supposed to get better from here, or at least that's what everyone else tells me...The toddler years are difficult to say the least. You have the "Terrible Twos", "Tantrum Threes" & who can forget about the "Whiny Fours"? Throughout these trying years the there are a few things that we can do to find happiness...

1) Focus on the good. A lot of time we get so caught up in all the bad things that are going wrong that we can't help but focus on all those bad moments. When in all reality we need to be focusing on the good things that are happening. So what if your kids are driving you crazy, drawing on the walls, yelling at each other and following you around. Focus on the fact that you're teaching them responsibility when you help them clean up the crayon excursion. Or that they're learning to communicate better and express themselves to others, they're showing they care when they yell and "torture" each other. They only follow us around because they love us so much that they don't know what to do without us, they want to be like us or they may even want to help us in whatever we're doing. Focus on all the positives in your life, and you'll be so much happier.

2) Lower the amount of "extra" drama in your life. I know we can't limit the drama of a toddler but we can lower the amount of what I like to call "extra" drama. Where all the external people who are in our lives, family or non, are involved. If extended family can't learn to respect the boundaries that you have set for your specific family then you don't need them in your life. If your friends are causing more drama than necessary than maybe its time to avoid them for a little bit. These years are going to fly by and one day you're going to wake up and realize how you miss them climbing into bed with you in the morning, or when they have a bad dream at night. You may even miss them calling you into their room at night because they're bored and can't sleep and just want to talk to you for a little bit. If the people around you can't appreciate the stage of life you're at then maybe its time for everyone involved to move on and show love to each other in different ways.

3) Pray to be more understanding of your children and what they're going through. A lot of times we get so caught up in everything going wrong in OUR lives that we don't remember that our poor little people are facing emotions and circumstances that are bigger than them and they need our help. They need us to be the calm ones in their storm, they need for our love to be so much that it overflows them in waves of peace and joy. I pray every day, often through out the day as well, to be a better mom. My kids need the best from me, and that includes me to be more loving and understanding of their needs.

4) Treasure the "little moments." The other day was a rough one for us and at the end of the day, my little miss is exhausted and she walks over to me and says, " MAMA!!! I love you!" Which of course you need a little hug to go with that, and the world's biggest smile. Who could ask for more!? That same night my oldest was having a rough night and couldn't sleep, I could hear him playing in his room then I heard him yelling my name like something was wrong (he often gets nightmares and screams for one of us in his sleep) so I come running in and ask him what he needs to which he responds, "Uh, mama, can you read me [insert book here]?" So I ask him if he's bored and laughs at me and says yes. These are the moments that we're going to want to remember for the rest of our lives. the more they grow the more we'll find peace and happiness in these little moments that are so quick they'll fly from our memories if we're not careful. We have a "Funny Moments" jar that we keep each year and put all the little things said/done we want to remember in them and review them at the beginning of the next year so we can remember all the cute/fun moments that had happened throughout the year.

Happiness is one of those things that if we don't set out each day trying to achieve it, it'll slip right through our fingers. I know that these times are hard, but there is happiness in them. Lets focus on the good, and treasure those moments instead of wallowing in our own self pity or in all the bad times. This is one of those times I'm grateful for having a bad memory now, now I can forget things I don't want to remember (and sometimes things I do want to remember :/ ) and find greater joy in my life, my family and those who do want to be my friends and participate in my family's life as well. May we all find that happiness, good luck!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Quote of the Week

So I've been thinking on this one a bit and I've decided I want to start a "Quote of the Week" entry. I love quotes and love to share them and what they mean to me. If anyone has any suggestions or quotes they'd like to see feel free to let me know. :)

When I first read this quote I wasn't quite sure how to take it. I liked it, but I was almost in a disagreeance with it. But when I re-read it I realized how important it is to realize the difference. My dad used to tell me that I "go to church for the Gospel, not for the people." And I never really thought about it much until I got older. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so much more than a building or a group of people, its trying to be like Him, learning about His teachings, repenting, applying the full meaning of the atonement into our lives so we can receive the fulness of joy He's always wanted for us. The church is just he accompany us on the journey in His Gospel. Its a group of people to help us, people that we can rely on and be friends with. People who understand our wants, hopes and struggles, even if they don't always agree with us.

My husband is really good about going to church all the time, but his heart is not always in the Gospel. Just like, when I was in high school, I would go to church but my heart was never in the Gospel the way it should have been. When we live life like that it makes it hard for us to hear and respond to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Putting on appearances for appearances sake does nothing for us besides "fool" others. I pray that we all will strive to live the Gospel and use the church for the purpose it was given to us.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

6 Musts to Have Peace With Toddlers

Before the sun appears in the sky you hear the pitter patter of little feet run/walking to your room. You brace yourself for the screams, "MAMA!!!" And "UP PLEASE!" Or perhaps it's just screaming because they refuse to use their words in the morning. Within minutes you hear another child wake up to join the song of their people and scream/whine at you for one thing or anther (water, milk, food, blankie, clothes, dogs, etc). Finally, your newborn/infant just can't contain their excitement anymore and decides to wail at you to pick them up/feed them...Sound familiar at all? How am I supposed to get anything done all day when I have 3 little ones constantly whining to be held, cuddled (I don't mind cuddles, in fact I love them! Its the whining part I can't stand, personally), fed, watered (just like a plant ;) JUST kidding!) or whatever else their little hearts get set on that day, you ask? I have 6 things that help me through the day and bring peace into my life....

1) Read your scriptures daily. I cannot emphasize this enough. There is no greater blessing on this earth than the power of scripture study. This includes your Patriarchal Blessing and the Conference talks from the General Authorities. Our sweet Father in Heaven has given us these tools to help us feel of His love and grow closer to him, let us utilize the tools He has given us to grow closer to Him, and through that be an example to our children.

2) Say your prayers morning and night. This is like calling our parents here on Earth Heavenly Father wants to hear from each and every one of us. He cares for us and wants us to talk to Him and connect with Him in the same way that we would our own Earthly parents. If you feel awkward praying you could always pick up your phone and act like you're calling someone and speak to your Father in Heaven as you would your parents here on Earth. Speak your mind, He wants to know your hopes, fears, dreams, wants, doubts, cares, etc. Heavenly Father is ALWAYS there for us, no matter what we think or feel, He loves us and wants to be with us always. Take Him along for the ride too. Also make sure you ask for peace in your home and your heart. After asking him take action, prayer is always more than just words, its our actions as well.

3) Write in your journal daily. This doesn't seem like much, but as the days go by you'll stop writing about yourself and start writing about your life and your testimony. What a great blessing for your posterity. To be able to learn the lessons we've learned through life and the scriptures, there is no greater blessing for us. Open up and write what you feel and care about most, you won't regret it.

4) Listen to music that invites the Spirit daily.  Whatever music that might be, the Mo Tab or a random playlist you've made or just orchestra music. Make sure its something uplifting and gentle. The more you listen to this music the more the Spirit will embed itself in your life and your home. 

5) Ask for Priesthood blessings. The whole reason the Priesthood has been restored to the Earth for this day and time is so we can utilize it correctly. When life gets too out of control or when you can't feel the peace quite as well as you'd like, remember Heavenly Father wants you to be able to feel of His blessings for you. Ask, and receive, a Priesthood blessing. Through that blessing you will feel peace and love and contentment. You may even be reminded that this is "but a small moment. And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high..." (D&C 121:7)

6) Attend the Temple monthly or more if possible. This one's  always my personal favorite. What a joy it is to be able to attend the Temple and feel of that peace. This is the one place we can go where we can get an idea of what our homes should be like. As we're told by several General Authorities, next to the Temple "our homes can, and should be, a refuge from the world." (Eran A. Call, The Home: A Refuge and Sanctuary, General Conference October 1997) No matter what's going on at home, when you step into that Temple you are filled with a peace that can conquer all. As you leave the Temple and go home, listening to music that also fills your life with peace (;P), you take that peace with you and you're a better mama for it, for sure. 

If we are going to make it in this long trial of toddler-hood, we need the peace that God can and will provide for us if we but seek it. There is no greater blessing on this Earth than to be able to find peace, not only in our hearts but in our homes as well. With toddlers this may be a bit harder, but through setting aside specific times and things that need to be done, we may be able to find that peace that can bring us closer to our sweet, amazing, loving Father in Heaven. And we can bring our family closer through our own actions. Learn to control yourself and just go with the flow of your toddlers. They're going to change every day, just remember no one is perfect, that's why we're here on this Earth today. Just embrace the day and follow the promptings of the Spirit. May peace be in your homes daily.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Religion or Tolerance, What's the Real Issue?

The way I've always seen it is that religion, if practiced correctly is supposed to bring us together. Being a Christian should mean to try and live your life like God would live. So tolerance, peace, love, respect, etc. So why is it that so many feel that now religion is our great divide? I agree with a friend who stated something along the lines that this war that was started 14 years ago was created by those with religious fervor  and belief that the lives of others don't matter. Is that what we, as a nation want to be known for? Feeding into the one thing that created the most evil we've seen in a very long time?

This whole war was created over religion. And every time I think about it I think about the Nephites and Lamenites in the Book of Mormon. As long as the people were faithful and righteous then God would bless them. The world we have been bringing our children into has become more and more chaotic and disturbing. The violence and justification of our actions has gone through the roof. Why are we, as Christians especially, not showing more tolerance and love? Why are we insisting on fighting each other instead of the real enemy here? I believe that things are so bad now that God is showing us what will happen if we keep on this road. Keep justifying your porn usage/taking the Lord's name in vain/cussing/ loud laughter. "Here a little there a little"there is no harm in it. When we're specifically told in 2 Nephi 28: 15, "O the wise, and the learned, and the rich, that are puffed up in the pride of their hearts, and all those who preach false doctrines, and all those who commit whoredomes, and pervert the right way of the Lord, wo, wo, wo be unto them, saith the Lord God Almighty, for they shall be thrust down to hell!"

There is no justifying our sins anymore. There is no reason we can't all practice tolerance of each other and our opinions, everyone has them. There is no reason we should choose to take offense to the opinions of those whom we don't agree with. I was always taught that just because I don't like/get along with someone doesn't mean I get to be disrespectful of them. Or even better, if you feel offended, try to show tolerance by saying something positive. Something like, "I can see where you're coming from, but have you ever thought about it like this...?" Or even, "Those are some good points, I just thought..." Let us all find peace and try to practice tolerance for each other and our beliefs. Whether you're an atheist or an adamant Christian, we can all find a way to be more tolerant and loving of each other, no matter what our background may be.

This may not be about war, but this is the perfect example of how we should be more Christlike and tolerant of others...Lisa handles things perfectly when her daughter goes in for a hair cut and it gets butchered. This is how we should react to things that could possible go wrong, stop and thin, then react.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

When Life Gives You Lemons

Its never been easy for us to get pregnant. We had a miscarriage, that was pretty traumatic, when we first were married (God has a plan, and there's a reason that sweet baby didn't come at that time). Then it took us 7 months (once we started trying again) to get pregnant with our oldest (A) and 9 months to get pregnant with our lil miss (R). We were so ecstatic when we found out we were pregnant with our lil miss. She was literally an answer to our prayers. Then 9 months later this sweet lil miss was placed in our arms. She came when she wanted to and no force on earth has been able to push her to do anything on this blessed Earth before she's been ready for it since. But something seemed off...her head was a bit blue when she was first born and we asked about it, the nurse passed it off as "bruising." We really didn't think much on it, too excited for our lil girl being here with us.

When she was supposed to eat next I had to wake her, not uncommon, but she was blue from head to toe and would only eat about 5 mins. I started to get nervous, my wonderful sister came to visit with A and the hubbster, no one said anything. So I thought we were good. That was until the nurse came in to check on her and couldn't get her to pink up either. This sweet nurse very kindly took R with her to the nursery and within a few short minutes I quickly realized something wasn't right. I walk into the nursery to them pumping air into my daughter's lungs. How could this be? She's breathing just fine. No one ever said there were any complications when we went in for our ultrasounds.

The nurses explain to me that my daughter's O2 levels were very low and they needed to keep them up. They ran an Echo and found that she had Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). For those who don't know TGA is where the 2 main arteries in your heart are switched around and all your oxygenated blood is being pushed back to your lungs instead of out to your body. WOW! How could this happen? She was perfectly fine 7 hours ago, or at least that's what we were being told. They quickly rush her to Children's Mercy Hospital.

Within the first 3 days she has several apneic episodes, and has to have a "balloon surgery." Where they run a catheter up her artery into her heart and insert a balloon into her heart where they can open the passage to allow the heart mix her blood correctly. After this surgery we're told to "wait and see" for the next 5 days. Until we finally get our chance to have the surgery. Our lil 9 day old daughter needed to go into open heart surgery. We couldn't go with her. We couldn't comfort her. All we could do was sit in the waiting room and wait for the nurse to come in and tell us what was going on every hour. 8 hours later, we find out that she made it through the surgery but when they took her off the machine running her heart for the surgery there was some damage to her lungs and her right lung collapsed completely. They were able get her back on the machine but had to leave her chest open and her on the machine because there was now blood in her lungs. The doctor came back and closed her chest the next day, a few days later she was taken off of the machine, within 2 weeks we were home, finally.

We decided to do this big event by ourselves. This was the greatest choice for our family. No one really lived close enough to drop everything and come and help, besides everyone else in our family would make things more stressful than what was necessary. So we were blessed to find a friend to come take me to the hospital that they had taken R to and God also blessed me and my hubby with the opportunity to lean on each other  and grow closer to each other in ways that no one will ever understand. We prayed together, read our scriptures together, and took turns spending time with A and R. We even found a way to celebrate A's birthday while we were at the hospital. He was so grateful for just the cake and ice cream, what a sweet lil spirit he is for us.

We learned what God meant when He told us to "leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his wife." (Abraham 5:18) What a wonderful experience/trial God gave us. Not only do we get to grow and learn with this sweet lil miss of ours, whose not always sweet but very fun, but we were able to realize the true meaning of a family. Our family grew much more than by just adding another member. We were able to learn how to love and serve each other more fully and how to grow closer to each other in a way that only this trial could give us. I truly feel that we became an actual family and couple that day, instead of acting with our own purposes in mind we were more attentive and considerate of each other and more grateful for the life we have and the craziness it brings us.

Let The Ramblings Begins

I originally started this blog as something for my family while my husband was deployed. He was gone, I had a 3 month old and I needed some way to share our photos and experiences with him. It was so easy to just load up the pictures when I needed to...then the unthinkable happened. My husband got injured while overseas and my life just crashed. Don't get me wrong, its not like our life was all kicks and giggles for the first year of our marriage it seemed like we had one trial after another. But we made it through and we KNEW God would bless our family, and he did! With our handsome lil man! 3 months later the hubbster was sent to Afghanistan, we both knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, we were just hoping he'd have more time with his new lil man before heading out.

The first few months of his deployment were constant fear, on both our parts. I have no words to describe the first time I received a phone call at 2 o'clock in the morning telling me that, "no matter what I hear on the news, I'm ok." Then later find out that his FOB was attacked and that they had been evacuated to another FOB a short distance from where he just was to be attacked again and put back at the original FOB for clean up and returning to "normal" life over there. Within a week or 2 he was assigned a mission that he would never come back the same from...

They left thinking all was good and that there was nothing to worry about, it was just a routine mission. When they get out there the find all that they were looking for and get ready to "do their job" and one of the other guys on the mission with my husband steps on a landmine and gets seriously injured along with my husband. No one will ever know the fear that went through my body when I heard the words, "Are you sitting?  [Your husband]'s been hurt and is going to the hospital in Germany and will be sent back stateside as soon as possible." This man had no other information for me than my husband was hurt and he's being sent home as soon as possible.

The next 72 hours for me were a whirl wind of emotions and actions. I was visiting family so I had to quickly get ready to go wherever my husband was going to be sent to (I didn't know at the time where they were sending injured soldiers). I was being called every 8 hours or so with updates about what was going on with him, as far as what they could read off of the reports. And I was dealing with family stateside, that really didn't want to hear from me but someone else. Life was crazy! When we finally knew where he was being sent, my mom, sister and I packed up my lil man and our things and drove all night to meet my husband at the hospital in the morning (quite literally we drove 24 hours to get to him JUST as they had gotten him all hooked up in the ICU). I was FINALLY able to see my husband! The relief it was for me to be able to see him and see how good/bad he really was doing did my heart good!

The next week he was in the ICU until they could take him off of most of the machines he needed to be off of and most of the meds they put you on when they start patching you up out in the field. Life got even crazier as my MIL (we didn't get along at the time) and I kept bumping heads. None of the doctors were telling me anything and she, somehow, got ALL of the information. Through all of this, I had an amazing sister who kept guiding me to do the right thing with my relations and gave me several scriptures to help me through all of my decisions I needed to make. My mom was able to stay and watch my son,but it was very overwhelming for her because our lil man couldn't be in the hospital too much (he was only about 6 months at the time and couldn't handle it).

I kept praying for my husband to pull through and to accomplish everything he's wanted to do with the military. I prayed that he'd be able to see out of his right eye again, and that he'd walk again. I knew that through my faith, and the faith and prayers of others, that he'd pull through. He'd be whole again. Slowly he began to do little things again, like feed himself, wash his own hair or even shave. He had to be in a wheel chair for a long time but he was   able to walk again within 2 months, with the use of a cane. He had to have surgery, but was able to see again and is now able to shoot marksman when they go to the range. He has overcome a lot, through the grace of God alone. And our family has grown closer to each other and the Gospel because of it.

Trials will come in our lives and we'll all wonder "why," even if it's just for a moment. But we've learned that we need to thank God for our trials, through these experiences we become stronger in our faith, and closer to our Father in Heaven. No matter what trial comes instead of asking "why" let us ask God to "give me strength to make it through, please." Let us lean on those around us who are so willing to help and to lift us up. Let us serve others and remember that this life is not about us, but what we do to lift others up out of their trials.