Thursday, September 17, 2015

6 Musts to Have Peace With Toddlers

Before the sun appears in the sky you hear the pitter patter of little feet run/walking to your room. You brace yourself for the screams, "MAMA!!!" And "UP PLEASE!" Or perhaps it's just screaming because they refuse to use their words in the morning. Within minutes you hear another child wake up to join the song of their people and scream/whine at you for one thing or anther (water, milk, food, blankie, clothes, dogs, etc). Finally, your newborn/infant just can't contain their excitement anymore and decides to wail at you to pick them up/feed them...Sound familiar at all? How am I supposed to get anything done all day when I have 3 little ones constantly whining to be held, cuddled (I don't mind cuddles, in fact I love them! Its the whining part I can't stand, personally), fed, watered (just like a plant ;) JUST kidding!) or whatever else their little hearts get set on that day, you ask? I have 6 things that help me through the day and bring peace into my life....

1) Read your scriptures daily. I cannot emphasize this enough. There is no greater blessing on this earth than the power of scripture study. This includes your Patriarchal Blessing and the Conference talks from the General Authorities. Our sweet Father in Heaven has given us these tools to help us feel of His love and grow closer to him, let us utilize the tools He has given us to grow closer to Him, and through that be an example to our children.

2) Say your prayers morning and night. This is like calling our parents here on Earth Heavenly Father wants to hear from each and every one of us. He cares for us and wants us to talk to Him and connect with Him in the same way that we would our own Earthly parents. If you feel awkward praying you could always pick up your phone and act like you're calling someone and speak to your Father in Heaven as you would your parents here on Earth. Speak your mind, He wants to know your hopes, fears, dreams, wants, doubts, cares, etc. Heavenly Father is ALWAYS there for us, no matter what we think or feel, He loves us and wants to be with us always. Take Him along for the ride too. Also make sure you ask for peace in your home and your heart. After asking him take action, prayer is always more than just words, its our actions as well.

3) Write in your journal daily. This doesn't seem like much, but as the days go by you'll stop writing about yourself and start writing about your life and your testimony. What a great blessing for your posterity. To be able to learn the lessons we've learned through life and the scriptures, there is no greater blessing for us. Open up and write what you feel and care about most, you won't regret it.

4) Listen to music that invites the Spirit daily.  Whatever music that might be, the Mo Tab or a random playlist you've made or just orchestra music. Make sure its something uplifting and gentle. The more you listen to this music the more the Spirit will embed itself in your life and your home. 

5) Ask for Priesthood blessings. The whole reason the Priesthood has been restored to the Earth for this day and time is so we can utilize it correctly. When life gets too out of control or when you can't feel the peace quite as well as you'd like, remember Heavenly Father wants you to be able to feel of His blessings for you. Ask, and receive, a Priesthood blessing. Through that blessing you will feel peace and love and contentment. You may even be reminded that this is "but a small moment. And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high..." (D&C 121:7)

6) Attend the Temple monthly or more if possible. This one's  always my personal favorite. What a joy it is to be able to attend the Temple and feel of that peace. This is the one place we can go where we can get an idea of what our homes should be like. As we're told by several General Authorities, next to the Temple "our homes can, and should be, a refuge from the world." (Eran A. Call, The Home: A Refuge and Sanctuary, General Conference October 1997) No matter what's going on at home, when you step into that Temple you are filled with a peace that can conquer all. As you leave the Temple and go home, listening to music that also fills your life with peace (;P), you take that peace with you and you're a better mama for it, for sure. 

If we are going to make it in this long trial of toddler-hood, we need the peace that God can and will provide for us if we but seek it. There is no greater blessing on this Earth than to be able to find peace, not only in our hearts but in our homes as well. With toddlers this may be a bit harder, but through setting aside specific times and things that need to be done, we may be able to find that peace that can bring us closer to our sweet, amazing, loving Father in Heaven. And we can bring our family closer through our own actions. Learn to control yourself and just go with the flow of your toddlers. They're going to change every day, just remember no one is perfect, that's why we're here on this Earth today. Just embrace the day and follow the promptings of the Spirit. May peace be in your homes daily.

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